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Expert Tips on Self Care for Pregnant Women

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Every ‘body’ is unique. Every woman’s experience of pregnancy is unique. In that, a single woman’s experience of each pregnancy too is unique! This leads to differing opinions from grandmothers, mothers, mothers-in laws, aunts, neighbours and friends. Covid19 pandemic has added further strain to the list of do’s and don’ts. Too much to digest, right?

We won’t be going to great lengths about the do’s and don’ts but we shall be giving you a great list that helps you incorporate these aspects while also being comfortable.

1. Health of pregnant women is of primary importance. While grannies keep coaxing about eating for both – the point is to eat ‘right’. Have small portions of food throughout the day since this will aid proper digestion and also ensure that you are able to sustain despite nauseous feelings.
2. Indulge in heavy foods once in a while. Frequent heavy foods in diet can lead to accumulation of gas, acidity, uneasy feelings as if you are having breathing problems and in some cases heartburn.
3. Ensure that you have some portions of all types of food on the food pyramid. It doesn’t matter whether you are vegetarian, non-vegetarian or both. Focus is on nutritional intake and healthy meals.
4. If permitted, do light exercises or have a walk. Walking is by far the best way to keep the circulation on and leads to less swelling in legs in the third trimester.
5. ‘Oral’ hygiene is important. Pregnancy induces lots of changes in the body. Lack of oral hygiene can lead to complications in pregnancies. This isn’t a scare or a google tip. It is a scientifically researched but lesser known fact, attested by dentists. Brush twice a day and do it well! If you detect unusual odor check with your gynecologist who will suggest a good dentist.
6. Do take in your medications and supplements without fail and as prescribed by your doctor. Do Not use any over-the-counter drugs without your doctor’s approval.
7. Indulge in a bit of “me” time. It is important to focus on your own well being and what you like to do. This helps you feel better and more tuned to welcoming your baby. Activities that boost positivity also helps in birthing happy babies.
8. Don’t compare any mother’s experience with yours. As mentioned earlier, each pregnancy is different for the same woman. So focus on what you can do and what you need to do to keep yourself healthy and positive.
9. Avoid going out and stay home and stay safe. Prepare your Covid19 kit and keep it handy which you can use whenever you ‘need’ to step out. (We shall take this up further in our next blog)
10. Read books and get factual information about pregnancy and parenting.

Overall, eat, sleep and stay healthy and enjoy your pregnancy period. It is a beautiful experience that has lasting memories. Make it worthwhile. Not only the baby – you too matter!TAGS: PREGNANTPREGNANT WOMENSELF CAREWOMEN

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