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Preparing for Board Exams – Dos and Don’ts

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Board Exams are viewed as the ultimate markers for the future of students. Not to frighten any student but then one can lessen the pressure and perception of the Board Exams with the following tricks and tips. If you have anyone in your family or friend circle who has board exams coming up, do share this article! They will thank you for this.

So the 10th standard and the 12th standard are the preparatory steps for your future. The profession and career graph actually start from here before you enter college and then the world of work. Boards can also illuminate stages for you to reconsider your choices before you make a firm decision for college studies. 

Even our PM Shri Narendra Modi lays importance on the fact that rest and studies along with greatly organized efforts and support can work wonders. #ExamWarriors as he coins the students who tackle the boards, the attempt to bring education closer to making it achievable and without fear is the main objective. #ParikshaPeCharcha is an initiative in this direction geared towards ensuring that the students whether boards or otherwise have a better way of dealing with the examination system. 

Here are some insights our PM Shri Modiji has shared in 2023 #ParikshaPeCharcha –

  1. Parents must ensure that they don’t pressurise their children. That’s the first step towards ensuring stress free examination handling. This helps students not underestimate their capabilities
  2. Stay focused. Only when you can overcome distractions thinking that they will be your rewards after the crucial examinations are over can you win over the attractions that keep you distracted. Social media interaction can be given a specific time to engage in.
  3. Time Management was, is and will always be important. Allocate specific time periods for each subject but also ensure that the allocation is proper and you get more time to devote to subjects you need more practice in.
  4. Unfair means or shortcuts don’t help in real life. So why resort to them in the exams? Be true to yourself and study well. If you don’t understand something, take help to get it cleared.
  5. Hard Work is good but smart work also helps get a better understanding of your studies along with good grades.
  6. Exams and the examination results are not the end of life. There are opportunities to do better and get better at your studies. Re-examinations are one such opportunity for you. 
  7. If you are curious or have doubts, ask your teacher, parents, friends or classmates. Parents and teachers must always encourage the curiosity to learn and have an open communication for doubts.
  8. As parents and educators, it is important that the kids have opportunities to explore the concepts they are learning. It helps expand their knowledge base and they can then apply their knowledge into practical application.

We hope these useful insights help you stay focused. Keep a timetable of your day’s schedule and be organised. Wishing you all the best for the boards!

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