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Woman Please!

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They say –  do more and apologize less. With men ruling the charts in the Forbes List or in Fortune 500 Companies – no matter how hard they drive you, they won’t be labelled ‘bitch’. However, with a woman entrepreneur displaying the same behavior goes directly into the “She’s a bitch” label. Women run only 4% of the Fortune 500 companies, hardly 4.1% of of the Fortune 1000, 4.1%. In short, it’s not a woman’s world out here.

Women mostly avoid that trap and try to be in good shoes of all in order to nullify the effects of that label. What does this signal? It’s better to be a bitch and not bother or to be goody shoes who fear labels? I don’t have the right answers but here’s what my experience tells me. You don’t have to be goody shoes and you don’t have to be bitchy too. Be who you are!!

Researchers say that women who bitch go ahead and catch success. For me,  that short term gain can not be a long term success. Brazen behavior can give men creeps and also admiration but we’re human and we want warmth even if it means business. Building relationships on business factors DO dwell on money and “warmed the cockles of heart” behavior. Not the gun trotting tycoon who wears Prada with an attitude to kill. 

You don’t have to be Mother Teresa either! Goodness has its time and space. You don’t have to be in goody shoes if the deal is at stake. Fight fair but fight! Be firm but gentle. Harshness will undo all the positive effects that you could have got in the process. 

Be the Elephant. Whenever I faltered or felt disturbed with what people said, my mother always said this phrase, “The elephant never bothers and keeps walking ahead no matter how many dogs bark at it.” Be the Elephant. Care no two hoots about what people say or what your competitors cry hoarse about. Believe in what you’re doing and  Keep Walking.  ( woman )

Have no Expectations. You think people will like you? Be happy for you? Will they love you? Accept you? Hell! There are more than 7.4 billion people on earth, each having their own brains, their own thinking process and their own set of experiences and shaping up. You can’t please them all. Nor can you shut their mouths. Let them be. Don’t expect anyone to love you. Love yourself. Believe in yourself and to hell with everyone else! If they love you give them back in ample measure. If they don’t it’s perfectly OK.

Be a Woman. Be who you are and do what you want to do. Period.

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