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What to Expect when You’re Expecting?

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So much is being said about pregnancy and childbirth that one would have to read tons of volumes to get it all. Yes, we know how it must feel to get loads of advice from all quarters, so today we are adding to it by actually adding not much! Take this all with a dash of humor…

Here’s what you should expect and then make a great dash the opposite direction:

  1. It is normal to feel different. (Of course! With the hormones on an overdrive, women just have to take it on stride)
  2. Morning sickness is the first sign (Not all women experience morning sickness all the time)
  3. Watch out! Work slowly and relax (At that rate you can expect lunch at dinner-time; would that be okay?)
  4. Eat for two, you need the energy (After eating for two, one definitely will fall asleep!)
  5. Walk slowly. There’s no need to hurry (Of course, I can then beat the snail and win!)
  6. One must rest when expecting (Hurray! Here comes the couch time!)
  7. One must be active when expecting (Can you make up your mind please?)
  8. Sweet means girl and spicy means boy (wow! What a gender notification!)
  9. Eat loads of ghee for normal birthing (Oh fine! But I hope I am normal while birthing!)
  10. Don’t watch movies on horror or violence (Ghosted!)

Fun apart, here’s what you can do to make your expecting experiences beautiful:

  1. Share your feelings with your family. It is wonderful to watch the family accommodate for the new addition.
  2. Get tuned in with your doctor and don’t hide. Your doctor is best able to understand your body changes and requirements.
  3. Don’t overdo anything but solicit help when needed for any work. Think of your baby and your health.
  4. You can keep a tracker diary to save your experiences and memories for posterity
  5. Read validated information. Not all that is put up on Google can be true.
  6. Create with the help of your doctor a balanced food chart of meal plan. Your body metabolism changes with pregnancy.
  7. Engage in your hobby time. First time moms-to-be often have worries which no amount of information or guidance can ease out. Distracting positively can be a booster.
  8. Balance rest and work. Too much of either is not advised unless your doctor has concerns about your health.
  9. Be positive about pregnancy. Ancient Indian science always emphasized on positively happy moms having happy babies. 
  10. Have fun! Pregnancy isn’t about sitting around. You can live your normal daily life with a bit of caution and care!


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