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Love Yourself

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Post-birth; women are the most vulnerable ( Love ) to low self esteem and issues related to body image mainly for the fact that our society wants to believe that women are supposed to be looking the same as teenage girls. The heavy emphasis on thin figures and young faces puts the woman at loss to accept the way she is. There are too many flaws in this thinking and it is so totally wrong to view oneself as per the beauty standards that are so unacceptable that it takes time for a woman to sink into feeling good. We believe that you are beautiful as you are! We want you to forget the world for a few minutes and read further. Love 


First and foremost, as a human being you have Rights! 
  • You have the right to ask questions pertaining to ( Love ) yourself.
  • You have the right to be treated with respect
  • You have the right to be loved, to be protected and feel secure.
  • You have the right to say NO to negativity and negative people and undo the pressure.


Aren’t these rights a good start? 


Now these rights mean that YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO THIS!

  • It is a nice feeling to be wanted and loved
  • It is nice to be accepted by family and friends and feel secure about oneself – just as the way we are.
  • It is great to be recognized for our efforts


Here, we would like to put in something that’s growing  a lot in recent years. Women were always told to not to feel nice or important about oneself. They were told to not to demand love or be recognized because the ‘man’ will not like it and they will lose honor. This thinking percolates in a woman and is heavily pressured after child-birth. Postpartum blues may have this negativity too which can harm the woman.


The woman/ wife would be thinking –

No one understands me!

No one loves me!

Baby care is so stressful!


The man / husband would be thinking –

She wasn’t like this before.

What’s wrong with her?

Everyone has that bringing up babies is so easy these days.


Men, this is for you. Women have many things going against them. The pressure to come back to their own self in terms of body, mental state and emotions. Child-birth drains a woman physically, mentally and emotionally. Carrying a baby for 9 months and losing their body shape for the lovely baby they are nurturing can change the pressure from society to come to zero figure in a day. Added to that, the baby care with feeding, changing, odd hours, home management and in some cases job management can leave a woman totally drained out. You have to support her. Make her feel human and make her realise that you love her despite what the society says. Understand this. A woman gives birth to your baby too. The baby is not hers alone. So men, give your woman love that’s beyond this Valentine’s day. Give her love that builds her and makes her feel secure in your love.


Women, this is for you. You have a lot going on for you and your baby. We understand it is quite a daunting process but we want you to know that you are beautiful inside out. You have created a beautiful baby. You have endured pain and given your family a bundle of joy. You are loved and you need to love yourself. Embrace yourself as you are. Feel good about yourself. Think positive. Feel positive and feel alive. This valentine’s day, promise to love yourself!

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