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Holi Celebration and Covid19 Safety for Young Children

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Holi is a social celebration , (Covid19 )given to having large gatherings of people and having fun with the colors. Given this basic premise of what Holi is about – it is definitely difficult to think of “Safe Holi for Young Children”. In fact, safe holi is advocated by not playing at all even for adults. It is hoped that with the decision to not to play holi, the chances of getting infected are minimized to a large extent. 

What if the children insist on playing holi? You can allow them to play within the family. Have a few of the extended family members come around and play with them. However, you all must use hand sanitizers frequently. Also think of covering your nose and mouth with a mask and ensure that you don’t touch that or allow anyone to do so.

The infection can spread through contact from anywhere so the precautions to be taken have to be optimized. With young kids, one must be careful that they don’t run into skin allergies and eye infection due to over-enthusiasm while playing.

Here are some of the ways in which you can exercise precaution for the young children as well as yourself :-
  1. Make holi colors yourself. There are simple ways to make holi colors from flowers, turmeric and leaves. Not only are they natural but they work well for the skin.
  2. The orange water made from boiling the flowers of “flame of forest” called palash or kesuda act as skin soothing agents and were used abundantly in Rajasthan before the artificial colors came up. It is believed that taking bath in its water helped prevent heatstroke
  3. Ensure that your face is covered and keep your own colors and toys with yourself instead of sharing
  4. Use sanitizer from time to time
  5. Refrain from using water based artificial colors
  6. Use dry colors but exercise moderation in applying. It should not be put on face in a way that it comes in contact with nose and eyes
  7. Have a thorough bath and moisturize your skin after that
  8. Do not spend a long time playing. The more times spent with water and people can lead to more chances of infections.
  9. Think of virtual holi as a great way to ensure sharing and bonding
  10. By all means, ensure that you refrain from playing. Health is important.
  11. Engage the children in thinking of colorful poems or art work that shall get them into the spirit of the festival
  12. Have kids dance and play holi songs and music at home and enjoy the occasion.
  13. Get the kids to be involved in making holi related foods and sweets and explain to them the importance of holi. It marks the change of season from spring to summer and how certain foods help combat heat in the body.
  14. Embracing the spirit of Life is celebration when a healthy mind and body are in coordination.

All in all, have an amazing Holi celebration. Stay Home. Stay Safe and take this occasion as an opportunity to get the kids educated into the seasons, foods and the spirit of embracing life as a living joy.

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