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Before being a M/Other

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Yesterday, the Mother’s Day came and went.(Before being a M/Other) We all celebrated it in our own ways. What about today? How far do these days actually appreciate the fact that women out there are putting themselves into different roles (forced upon them or taken up voluntarily). We have known cases especially in India that a woman once married is expected to bear a child the second month itself. Our expectations of a woman=mother is so deeply entrenched in our psyche that we fail to recognize the woman that she has neglected within her. This poetry questions these aspects. Hope you like it’s simplicity:



comes first….

isn’t her identity important?

Only as a mother is she important?

And a single day to suffice it all?

Everyday she slogs; isn’t each day special?

someone’s daughter

……………. wife

……………. colleague

……………. sister

Roles she plays apart from being a mom.

Wait! See her…….. as a Woman!

Woman first! (Before being a M/Other)

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