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Bath Time Fun with Babies

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Bath time is not only a fun time but it has many developmental attributes attached to it. Remember that, babies were used to the water effect in the mother’s womb. Hence, it should not worry new mothers to think that water can be damaging. On the contrary it helps skin grow.


Here’s how bath time can be a fun time and also beneficial too!


  • Use soft baby bath liquid or baby soap along with warm water when the baby is few months old. Newborn babies are best dealt with warm water and cotton balls. For the butt-cleaning, use soft cloth. 
  • Since the skin is newly formed, new born babies have to be dealt gently. So worry not about dirt and pollution but more about the tender skin. 
  • Bond with your baby at bath time. You can have them splash in a musical bath time as they grow older, until then even if you don’t sing well, songs become a medium of communication and sparking their brain
  • Newborn babies may not understand what actions you are doing along with songs you sing or play but then repetitive action oriented fun at bath time can increase the sense of security for babies. They also get used to the routine and think of baths as good and fun when they’re older.
  • Do Not apply pressure on the head. Gentle strokes with cloth after a few months are advised. The crown of the head gets filled up gradually.
  • Keep everything ready and within your reach so that you can focus on your baby rather than moving around to find things
  • Use of shampoo should be minimal one in a week or two. Depending on your geographical area and climate you can think of the shampooing procedure.
  • Keep the wrap towel handy so that once the bathing is done, the baby isn’t exposed for long. Let the baby be wrapped for sometime and gently wipe her/him before clothing. 
  • Ensure that babies get massages irrespective of the season. Mustard oil massage in winter and coconut oil in summer is mostly advised due to their inherent properties of warmth and cool effects. Massage after bath has calming effect on babies and absorption of oil after bath acts like moisturizer for the skin.


We hope you have more ideas of bathing time fun than these. We have put in the fun and benefits factor here but then you can go ahead and have it like a family time by involving fathers and siblings too in this splashing time.

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