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Child Centered Education

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( Child-Centered Education ) As parents we always have a feeling that our children must excel in studies and gain a repertoire of skills that enable them to face the world of work.

Whether they do a job or a business – it is important for children to be ready for their professional advancement and financial requirements. 

Education therefore plays a pivotal role in this process.

These days, children are widely responsible and active participants for their own education and development. They are involved in their classroom planning, implementation, and assessments.

Involving the learners in these decisions will place more work on them, which can be a good thing.

Teachers must become comfortable with changing their leadership style from directive to consultative.

Instead of forcing decisions on students as per their will, teachers now consult students, ask them about their needs, their expectations, and then design their teaching style according to them.

Students and teachers go side by side as a team, co-developing the teaching methods. 

This mode of education gives students opportunities to lead learning activities, participate more actively in discussions, design their own learning projects,explore topics that interest them, and generally contribute to the design of their own course of study.

A child-centered teacher tries to create an environment which will motivate the children to discover new skills and knowledge.

Teachers are no longer supposed to transfer facts into passive students’ heads but rather facilitate their discovery of relevant information.

Each child is unique, and each child has the right to proper education that helps him or her to grow and do their best in their field of interest.

Therefore, daily interactions with children should be based on the fundamental question. We at IPS Academy do our best to support our students from every aspect and help them achieve overall development by focusing on: Social, emotional, physical, linguistic and intellectual growth. 

Since students are playing a very important role in their own education and development,

we make sure that they are mentally and physically participating in learning what they need to know and where they need to develop.

Placing students at the center of their own learning requires their collaboration. They need a voice in why, what, and how learning experiences take shape. Their ideas, preferences, learning styles, interests, expectations, all are taken into account whilst planning the teaching actions.

Students bring much to the table that would engage and deepen their learning journey. Teachers use methods such as peer tutoring, individual and group projects, and teacher conferencing with one student while the rest of the class works alone. 

Student-centered methods have repeatedly been shown to be superior to the traditional teacher-centered approach to instruction,

a conclusion that applies whether the assessed outcome is short-term mastery, long-term retention, or depth of understanding of course material, acquisition of critical thinking or creative problem-solving skills, formation of positive attitudes toward the subject being taught, or level of confidence in knowledge or skills. 

With child centered education, the motivating factors include the child’s immediate purpose and interests. With child-centered education,

books are avoided at the early childhood phase with a lot of emphasis being given to the child learning through their senses as well as natural development.

The student-centered learning environment enables an educator to deal effectively with all types of students in the same classroom. A student-centered learning environment encourages students to become independent learners and ultimately to be in charge of their own education.

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